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Home Journal Index 2023-2

Introduction to Special Issue: Systemic Functional Linguistics and the Description and Teaching of Chinese

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Edward McDonald

The Compleat Wordsmith, Australia


Dr Wang Pin and I are delighted to have the opportunity of introducing this special issue of the International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching on systemic functional linguistics (SFL) and the description and teaching of Chinese. When we put together the call for papers in mid 2020, we were not sure what kind of response we would receive. On the one hand the area of SFL and Chinese grammar has been experiencing something of a resurgence in recent years: with a regular series of conferences under that title in China, in which we have both had the honour of participating (Central China Normal University, 2018; East China Normal University, 2019; Shenzhen University, 2020); and an increasingly flow of publications both within China and abroad (Wang, 2020, 2021; Yang, 2021; Fang, 2022). On the other hand, although SFL has long had a major presence in the area of English language teaching, its application to Chinese language teaching has been less consistent.